How to improve soft skill and use them?

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 10 January 2022

Technical abilities are necessary for completing a task, yet they are insufficient. It is also vital to rely on human traits, sometimes known as "soft talents." What abilities do businesses value the most, and how might they be valued?

Human traits are more important when it comes to recruiting, as Artificial Intelligence (or "AI") develops at a rapid pace, pushing the Human - long consigned to second place - to the forefront.

These personality qualities are highly sought after by employers and are critical to your professional success.

Examining a job offer will serve to persuade you of this... Following the technical profile (hard skills), the personal traits are listed. When two applicants have equal business talents, it is frequently the soft skills that separate them. Human characteristics and soft talents remain unreachable to machines.

The upheavals brought on by the new technology age are forcing businesses to undergo big changes and adjust their hiring practices, particularly in terms of essential skills. The traits required yesterday - more focused on know-how, degree of education, and experience - are increasingly losing way to more nuanced attributes, even though they maintain some value.

These so-called "soft" skills (in addition to "hard" skills: technical, intellectual, and other skills sanctioned by any diploma or some professional experience) are now one of the major recruitment criteria precisely because they are characteristics specific to human beings and our friends the robots - however intelligent they may be - cannot claim to master - possess them.

In this area, each business - and each job - has its unique set of needs. Because if any of these "soft-skills" can be shown to be more important than its peers in a given task, they will all interact in some way.

There are a variety of reasons for the growing interest in so-called "soft" skills:

1. Even the most advanced AI will never be able to match the complexity of the human brain - at least not in the near future!

2. A company's greatest asset in terms of competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability is its human capital. There is no business without men. The human being is at the center of change and development. As a result, talent management and skill evaluation are critical.

3. Human interactions are the foundation of our universe; this is also true in business, particularly in roles where we interact with others (HR, sales, management, etc.).

4. In addition to technical abilities, a person's conduct reveals a lot about their personality, including whether or not they will fit into a company's ideals and operating model.

The most in-demand soft talents in the workplace

There are several approaches and resources available to help you maximize your personality's potential. You just need to perform a little online research to locate an infinite number of short or in-depth training courses. Although it is obvious that many inherent features of a person are impossible to modify, many aspects may be fostered through time.


In a world where professions are created, perish, and develop at a rapid pace, this is a crucial trait. You don't have to spend your whole career in the same box. Companies must continually reinvent themselves in order to survive: missions are broadening in response to advancements, everyday work develops with new tools, management styles vary, and so on.


Knowing how to communicate is an undeniable quality at all levels, but it is especially true when one has to supervise a team: to effectively communicate his messages so that they are heard and understood, to decipher the codes. of non-verbal communication to adapt and avoid misunderstandings, conduct a job interview, prepare a suitable email, request an increase, defuse conflict, and so on. Healthy and pleasant relationships are built on communication.

The benefits of effective communication include persuasion, negotiation, and change management.

The organization's strategic direction

Anticipate, foresee, and plan your own and your team's work this is a crucial management talent!

Knowing how to handle priorities, stress, and changes, as well as the resistance that they always elicit, instills a feeling of dedication and responsibility. These are definitely advantages to emphasize and cultivate for anybody in charge of staff.

Vision, dedication, and effective decision-making are all induced by a feeling of structure.


Although it is increasingly difficult to discern this capacity to listen completely and carefully to the other, to feel profoundly the emotional and cognitive condition of his interlocutor, it remains a cornerstone in terms of management.

Indeed, an empathic manager will have an easier time settling a disagreement, anticipating change opposition, influencing his people, and so on.

Listening, caring, and dispute resolution are all advantages of empathy.

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