How to create a Virtual Learning Environment for your employees

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 16 January 2023

One of the best ways to stimulate the growth of employees in the corporate environment is through courses and training. Therefore, the areas of T&D are increasingly strategic in companies. 

Today we are going to talk about how to create a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for your employees and how Corporate University can accelerate and consolidate your company's growth. Let's go together? 

How important is T&D to the company?

What differentiates a company that grows more and more, with employees who are passionate about the brand and their work, from one that struggles to achieve goals and has a high turnover of professionals? 

Without a doubt, the answer is: valuing people. One of the ways to value your company's employees is by offering opportunities for professional growth through training and development.

Investing in T&D is important to train the team for new techniques; teach about new products; in addition to help to develop essential skills for specific positions. 

When it comes to training, the result is more immediate: a technique is taught and employees must apply it on a daily basis. From this knowledge, your team will be able to perform one more task. 

But as important as training is the development of professionals – development aims at the future of the person within the company. 

Did you know that it costs much more for companies to hire professionals all the time instead of dedicating themselves only to bringing good candidates, investing in the retention of talents that are already in the organization is much more effective and economical. 

And that's where T&D comes in again: working on leadership skills, management, and other topics, making sure your analysts of today become the managers of the future. 

Impacts of the pandemic on T&D

There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has brought radical changes to companies. With the impossibility of being physically present in the work environment, remote work and online meetings have become a good and cheap way to keep organizations running. 

For companies, migrating courses and training to virtual environments was the way to continue doing remote work with alignment. Many of them even took advantage of the opportunity and created their own Corporate Universities, which bring together different training courses to improve work methods and internal processes. 

Whether online or in-person, large companies, such as Ambev, already have their own UC and the content provided helps employees feel more belonging and motivated to be part of the team and achieve better results. 

How to use the Virtual Learning Environment for corporate development? 

And online training is really here to stay: a learning platform simplifies the day-to-day of everyone involved, teachers and students – since there is no need to reconcile schedules. And it still costs cheaper, since the course can be offered numerous times within a platform. 

The Virtual Learning Environment is the place where all the courses that the company has been stored. It is also where the activities, assessments, and extra materials are located, such as podcasts, videos, and other items that support learning. 

Do you know how to create a Virtual Learning Environment? Before we get into the details, let's explain what features an online platform supports. 

Available features 

In an online learning platform, the possibilities increase: not only is it possible to offer different types of training but also features that facilitate the collaborator's in-depth knowledge of the contents. 

In general, courses are taught through slides or video lessons. In the case of technologies such as the seekLMS Platform, it is possible to create a learning journey, which takes the student along planned paths that facilitate their learning. 

In addition to the journey, the student also has access to extra materials such as texts, and articles and he can test his knowledge acquired through assessments and gamification. 

Impacts on employee development 

The more diversified the teaching method, the greater the engagement of employees in your platform and, consequently, in your T&D. 

It is important to point out that platforms such as SeekLMS are ways to facilitate learning, however, your collaborator will be really engaged with the content if he sees a practical application in his daily life. 

Therefore, include the concepts of andragogy in your planning and map the best ways to offer training through Instructional Design techniques. 

How to create a Virtual Corporate Learning Environment 

Now that you know what features you can offer within a Virtual Learning Environment, it's time to understand how to create it. 

The safest way is to use an online platform, such as the SeekLMS Platform. It offers a structured environment for you to place the courses you want in a practical way and with simple access for your employees. 

And to make the work of your HR and T&D team even easier, consider also including the use of tools in your corporate e-Learning. This tip is valuable because, in various sectors of the job market, techniques are quickly updated. 

With the SeekLMS, your team can easily update training content without paying anything else. And there's more: your company gains more autonomy to modify courses and work on other aspects.

Would you like to know about this live? Request a Demo. It is totally free, you will be able to observe SuccessFactors operating live, with business scenarios similar to those of your business, and resolve any questions you may have with the advice of a specialized consultant.

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