How can e-learning be used in compliance training?

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 07 March 2022

Conducting employee training within the corporate environment is already a widespread practice, because, through them, it is possible to improve various company activities with guidance from tutors and managers, even without the need for face-to-face meetings. In this way, e-learning is a great alternative, and it can even help with compliance training.

After all, this modality does not require face-to-face meetings and provides flexibility in schedules. Therefore, it is efficient to help with this type of training that is so important to make sure that the values, norms, and business rules are understood and followed by employees and managers, which is fundamental for the good growth of a company.

Want to know how to do compliance training through virtual training? Then this article is for you. See below!


What is e-learning?


Before knowing how e-learning can help in compliance training, it is necessary to understand what this modality is and how it works. E-learning is the practice of training and courses carried out by tutors who have specific knowledge and are developed at a distance, online.

In other words, this teaching modality is related to the use of the internet and also of mobile technology. It is teaching done through electronic media.

With the use of technologies and the internet, all knowledge and training is made available online and can be accessed anywhere that has an internet connection. Its main differential is the possibility of physical distance between tutor and collaborator and flexibility in the learning schedule.

A major obstacle in the training of employees may be finding a time when it is possible to bring together an entire sector without causing embezzlement in the service provided by the company, for example. However, online training can also be done at home and at a time that is best for them, without interfering with any workflow and allowing them to make the most of it.


How can e-learning be used in compliance training?


To solve the need to carry out business training and the unavailability of hours or the physical presence of employees at the same time, corporate e-learning proves to be an efficient solution.

Showing the internal corporate regulations and making employees understand them and know how to use them is essential to keep away from problems with justice and preserve the image in the market. But for that, you need to know how to design compliance training with e-learning. Check out some tips below!


plan the implementation


Once you've identified the scope of the training and the areas that could be involved, it's time to plan the implementation. If the company has a specific compliance training sector, the entire process can be facilitated.

In this planning, it is necessary to consider what the short and long-term expenses will be, and generate comparison estimates between the investment and the return on that investment. If HR is responsible, it must stipulate if all sectors must carry out the same training and if it will be carried out at the same time or over a period.


Using technology to mimic work situations


Within a teaching and learning process, it is essential to reconcile theory and practice. This is because the understanding and assimilation of content can be much more efficient if they are simulated with possible events in a work routine.

Many people tend to absorb more quality information when they can put that knowledge into practice. Therefore, it is important to use the various technologies available to complement teaching during training.

The use of gamification is very efficient, as it uses games to promote interaction and knowledge in an interactive and fun way. With scores, rankings and awards, employees are encouraged to participate and compete healthily.

It is also possible to use the virtual reality system to simulate situations and scenarios, as well as use videos, infographics, mobile learning, and much more.


Choose the right subjects and include them in training


To have good results with e-learning for compliance training, it is necessary to know how to choose the right subjects and at levels compatible with the knowledge of employees.

That's because novice or newly hired employees may know much less than others who have been working with the company for longer. These older employees may have already undergone previous training that addressed issues of company guidelines, policies, and standards.

However, recycling knowledge and showing corporate changes is imperative for all employees. The important thing here is to adapt the content to the level of knowledge and each specific sector, if necessary.


How to use e-learning in compliance training with the help of a specialized company?


If there is no specific compliance sector in an organization, or the desired training requires greater training and knowledge of technological tools to use e-learning, it is possible to count on the expertise of companies specialized in the subject.

All this with the help of an experienced team of high-level professionals, who already work in the e-learning market and who can help a lot in the implementation of compliance training through this methodology.

The use of e-learning is already well established in many professional environments due to the facilities it offers. Greater flexibility in teaching schedules, not requiring the physical presence, and being able to use technological tools to simulate situations and procedures are some of them.

Compliance training also plays a fundamental role in a corporate environment, and combining them with e-learning generates benefits for everyone involved in a company. In addition to knowing how to implement it, using the expertise of companies specialized in the subject can be another differential.

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